The Dawn Era Addon | Minecraft Bedrock Marketplace Review (Official version)


Finally, the day has arrived!
And sorry for the rushed review.
Apparently, the bedrock version was not cancelled, only the java version was cancelled.
My opinion:
The quality is very good, however, some things leave something to be desired, such as some animations
that are not very good and some bugs in the animals’ artificial intelligence.
Such as carnivorous dinos, they just don’t attack other mobs, which makes it strange, and also its footsteps sounds and some animations are missing.
And not to mention that borealopelta simply can’t attack the t-rex.
This also applies to the diabloceratops, sometimes he can’t attack it.
Well, let’s wait for the new update, I believe this will get better when updated.
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  1. @GijeonTheDum

    Link? Jk

  2. @Nothosaurus_lover

    Will the other dinos from java be ported ?

  3. @Anzu-dl1zm

    So this is the official version? I expected more…

  4. @dontdie4life529

    I expected more from this addon, if it had more features i would pay alot for this

  5. @nightmareluisanimateddc2746

    link pls

  6. @marcopaulo_

    saving my coins for next week 👀 an addon 10x the size of this is coming

  7. @MiguelAngelMamaniVasquez

    Yo sigo esperando el link mediafire 😔

  8. @TheRumbler237

    Have they set a release date for Actions n Stuff yet?

  9. @JurassicB

    oH i’M CoMiNg” what do you mean by that?🤨📸
